Alicante to Madrid

A popular question is how to get to Madrid from Alicante.

The distance to Madrid is approximately 420 kilometres and would take roughly 4.5 hours.

To get there from Alicante, take the Plaza del Ayunamiento heading towards Calle del Portica in order to get on to the A-31

Once on the A-31, stay on here for approximately 207km then come off at the AP-36 sign posted for Ocana/Madrid

Stay on the AP-36 for a further 147km and take the exit for R-4 and follow sign for Aranjuez/Madrid/A-4

Once on the R-4, stay on for a further 53km and take the exit onto Autopista M-50/M-50 towards A-2/R-2/A-1.

Take the exit 46 to merge onto the E-5/A-4 towards Madrid.

Click here for a distance chart for all the major cities from Alicante

Further Information for Driving in Spain

Spanish Driving Laws
Alicante to Madrid
Alicante to Barcelona
Distance Chart from Alicante
Alicante Road Safety
Alicante Road Crime
Taking a U.K. Registered Car?
Alicante Motorbikes
Driving Quiz

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